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Washing conditions

The item must be turned inside out before washing. The customizable item can only be washed in the delicate washing mode or by hand.

Temperature conditions

Washing is possible in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 30 degrees. At higher temperatures - the pattern will quickly disappear.

Bleach warning

Under no circumstances should not bleach the customizable thing. Bleach will spoil the item for you.

Dry-cleaning warning

Any customizable item should not be dry-cleaned. Aggressive chemicals will not bring joy.

Ironing conditions

It is possible to iron a customizable thing. The main thing is to do it from the back side of the pattern, or over the pattern through a thin cloth.

Warning about electric drying

It is strictly forbidden to use electric drying. The product should dry at normal temperature.

Conditions for proper drying

The ideal option is drying in a horizontal position, or on a shoulder. The thing should also be stored on the shoulders. This method will help to avoid creases in the pattern.